Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It Was Great While It Lasted

Dateline Washington: “Pentagon officials warned on Tuesday that North Korea's missiles could strike the U.S. within three years if its weapons growth goes unchecked.”

Guess where in the US? Good morning, LA. Your days are officially numbered.

Based on everything we are seeing—and not seeing--it looks as if our pathetic “leaders” have no intention of protecting the United States. No wonder they have dispensed with all that prattle about terrorism. What is the purpose of government, if not national self-defense? Oh yeah, I forgot. Its purpose is to tax the life out of the economy, bail out failed businesses, devalue the currency and provide cheap, third-rate medical care. And sanction terrorist Islamic regimes when they are threatened with insurrection.

Meanwhile the imbecile ‘do-gooders’ keep up their costly, wasteful war on drugs, even while they do everything they can to create demand for brain killers by destroying productive society. Let’s lock up all the dopey marijuana users while drunk drivers kill thousands every year. That’s a good investment of police forces and prisons. They could at least let people have a little fun while they’re busy ruining everyone’s lives. I mean, even the Romans got to have their orgies while the Barbarians were getting ready to storm the gates.

I don’t use drugs. I just think it’s ironic. Make people miserable so they need to escape. Then take away their means of escape. What a dirty, rotten thing to do.

Our wonderful protectors are despicably cruel as well as unbelievably cowardly and incompetent.

Congrats, you power-lusting D.C. slime. It wasn’t easy, destroying the greatest nation in human history, but you managed. Way to go.

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